Good Things Obtained from Learning Geography
For students, there are many subjects to learn at school. There are various subjects and every student may have his or her own preference of the favorite subjects. There are mathematics, language, arts, social and exact sciences. There are still other subjects also that can be learnt in school. In the elementary and middle schools, students cannot choose what they want to learn. All of the subjects are compulsory to learn. Then, in high school, there are some subjects that can be chosen and in this case, geography is one of the main subjects to choose, especially by them who want to study social science. However, when it is in the university level, geography may be less interesting compared to other sciences, such as physics, biology, astronomy, economics, and politics. In fact, geography and the sub-subject in geography is interesting and these are important to learn.
It is true that geography may be less interesting. In fact, there are many things to know and learn about geography. This subject tells students about the earth. This is less popular, but it does not mean that it is not important. because of its importance, geography becomes one of the compulsory subjects to study in the middle schools and it even becomes the main choices of subject to choose. This shows that this is important. it is because people should know well their place. They must know where they live and what are the environments around them. These are studied and learnt in geography. Even, geography is a subject that has correlation with other subjects. Geography is related to the history, sociology, and even economy. Then, this subject has relation to the physics, chemistry, and biology when this talks about weather, natural phenomena, and distribution of plantations or trees. This makes learning geography able to learn about other subjects.
Then, lately, geography is more interesting since there is higher demand for this. People graduated from the study of geography is needed nowadays since earth has many new phenomena and these can be analyzed and discussed by people with title of geography. Of course, this makes better opportunity for jobs. Moreover, this is also very important for the personal navigation skills. Now, there has been GPS to help the navigation, but there can be cases when the GPS cannot be used and the devices run out of power. In this case, people studying geography will not have problem with it. They have navigation skills developed unconsciously when they study geography.